You would be pleased to know the results of the 2021 Annual General Meeting held on the 25th March.

The AGM In summary:
Apologies were as submitted prior and from the floor were duly recorded.

The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record of that night's proceedings.

Officials of the Association presented their reports, and there were appropriate questions from the floor that were duly answered by the respective Offical.

The President declared the offices of the Officials due for election vacant and carried out the election. As there was no contest for the vacant positions, the following nominations were elected:

  • Vice President: Nicholas Backo*
  • Secretary: Darren Allatt
  • Registrar: Jonathon Moore
  • Floor Member: Richard McGuinness
  • Floor Member: Peter Liaros

*A Special Resolution was passed by a substantial majority pursuant to 16.1 of the Constitution.

There we no awards, recognition of service awards, or nominations for life membership.

No General Business was brought before the AGM, however, Mr. Chris Codling was granted an opportunity to speak from the floor which he extended sincere thanks to the members of NSWFRA for supporting his family during their time of need.

Before the meeting was closed the President invited members present to partake in a light supper as customary after every AGM.

The full minutes of the General Meeting held prior to the AGM and the minutes of the Annual General Meeting are will be soon available in the Documents Library of the NSWFRA website. I'll bring both to your careful perusal in due course and should there be any requests for amendments to be made please email them to me directly.


Darren Allatt
Secretary, NSWFRA